The Enneagram
The Gospel
My Story
Much of my life's work has been with teens through Youth For Christ and local church ministries. In our most recent endeavor, my wife Jen and I planted and led a thriving church in South Haven Michigan for over nine years. I have had the joy and honor to serve alongside hundreds of wonderful people while experiencing mountaintop achievements and trudging through difficult valleys. Over these almost 30 years of full-time ministry, I have received a deep and rich education in human nature and relationships.
In January 2022, I resigned from the church we planted in the midst of one such valley. Even after a thrilling leadership journey, I still felt I was missing some vital keys to ministry and leadership effectiveness…I still struggled with some pretty important relationships, but just couldn't put my finger on the why. During a three-month sabbatical, I dove into the Enneagram. I studied everything I could find on the subject, hoping to get some clues to these missing links. I soon realized that in all my attempts to know God and serve other people, I had ignored and repressed my own needs...My own soul was in distress. This caused behaviors that were, at best, misunderstood. But I soon began awakening to those needs and understanding myself better. It also gave me tremendous insights into those around me and why we experienced each other the way we did. God used this tool to awaken me and help me get “unstuck” in a very difficult season. Now, I'm excited to provide help and hope to others who can find a more meaningful relationship with themselves and those around them.
I have a passion to help people discover themselves in new and insightful ways. In particular, I want to help people increase their EQ as they discover why they think and respond to life as they do, and how to quit reacting out of impulse and instead live and lead with intention. In particular, I hope to help corporate, church and non-profit organization teams wake up to themselves and those they work with, learning new tools and developing new language with which to build team unity and collaboration for irresistible work environments and unstoppable teams.
I am first and foremost a follower of Jesus. I live in South Haven, Michigan with my beautiful wife Jen and our three boys (Milan, Josiah and Ben), our dog Josie, cat Graycie and turtle affectionately named…Turtle. I love being outside (when it's warm), working out at the gym, making improvements to our house and hanging out with friends. I also work as a health coach, providing services to help people become more integrated persons. True wellth is health and wellness – body, soul and spirit.
Milan Bittenbender
The word Enneagram simply means:
"picture of nine."
Although widely recognized as a personality typing system, the Enneagram is so much more. Like a stethoscope, the Enneagram can help us examine and understand the workings of our inner being, and even listen for clues to the health and wellbeing of our soul. While most personality profiles focus on identifying and predicting attitudes and behavioral patterns, the Enneagram focuses on the core motivations or drivers of our particular personality; it gives us deeper insights into where we are coming from and where we are likely headed. It doesn’t just explain how we will behave, but WHY we will behave that way. This clarity helps us identify both the unique personality superpowers we can employ and the defective patterns of thought and behavior we must temper to bring our best self to the world around us.

In essence, this ancient wisdom system teaches us that there are nine main personality types or “perspectives” which drive the strategies we each use to manage our life and relationships. In addition, there are many layers in the make-up of our temperament which explains the thousands of facets which make up all the unique features of our individual personalities. Knowing these types and how they affect us and our relationships, gives us tools we need for real transformation.
An online assessment can be a good start, but from there the assistance of a certified Enneagram coach can help you accurately determine your main type. This important work prepares us for the deep awareness which flows out of the insights of each type. Take a few minutes to try our free Assessment and start your journey to deeper understanding today.
Where does the Gospel fit in?
In Romans 7, we find the apostle Paul dealing with a familiar internal dilemma. In 7:15 He writes, “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” He goes on to reason that a sinful nature is at work in him. A nature he is helpless against. He concludes his ruminating by writing, “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Ahh, yes. A relationship with Christ makes it even possible for us to be everything God intended and we want ourselves to be. It is through our faith in Jesus that we find harmony with our truest identity.
The Enneagram is a profound tool through which we gain clearer insight into our brokenness and our potential for glory. It can be very effective as a self-help mechanism, but when paired with the Gospel and understood in the context of our identity in Christ, it becomes an infinitely more powerful tool. As a coach and dedicated Christ-follower, I love to help people gain a new perspective on their inner world, helping them to identify where they are living in alignment with their true identity and where misalignment is causing stress or emotional infirmity. With new perspective we can submit ourselves more fully and honestly to Christ who graciously leads us to health and wholeness.